The A Consultants Team
We are a multidisciplinary team of freelance consultants. We are specialised in designing and implementing diverse kinds of research projects in which the data quality and the strictness of the statistical analysis are our fundamental value.
Our principal team offers most of the technical support to clients. We also have a wide list of different experts that can be recruited to achieve the necessities of each project. Depending on the specific knowledge the project demands, we select the domain expertise consultants to set up a Project Team.

Augusto Norte Director and Founder

Augusto is an international statistical consultant and university professor specialized in Statistical Analysis for Quantitative Data and Project Management for Research Studies.
In his more than 15 years of professional experience he has conducted statistical analysis interacting with many actors of diverse science areas and has trainned professionals from public and private institutions on Methodological and Statistical Data Analysis.
In academia, Augusto has taught multiple courses on statistical analysis, he has provided statistical support to research projects and has also supervised PhD candidates in different fields such as Public Health, Nutrition, Public Opinion Polling, Economics, and Engineering. He teaches Statistics and Probability at Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales at Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.
In the last 3 years he has worked with professionals from institutions as G.A.I.N. and C.D.C. from U.S.A, in different projects from African countries such as Mozambique, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso.
In the private sphere, he has worked for multinational companies and small businesses leading projects, carrying out implementation of continuous improvement processes such as Lean Manufacturing and conducting data analysis projects.
Marcelo E. Alberto

Marcelo is an Argentinian mathematician and statistician specialised in the design and analysis of research in the area of Health, Ecology and Agronomy. He has participated in research on thyroid pathologies, nutrition in preterm infants, native forest productivity and mathematical modeling of crop interaction. Its main capabilities are in Statistical, Computer Programming, Mathematical Modeling and Exploratory Data Analysis. Marcelo has developed his activity as professor in the university, as consultant in the local government and as consultant in the United Nations Program for the Development. He currently leads a university chair in Biomathematics dedicated to teaching and research on Applied Mathematics and Applied Statistics.
Luis Gregorio Moyano, PhD Physics.

Luis Gregorio Moyano is an adjunt researcher at CONICET (Argentina’s National Scientific and Technical Research Council) as well as adjunt professor at FCEN, UNuyo since 2016. He graduated in Physics from Instituto Balseiro (Bariloche, Argentina, 2000) and holds a PhD also in Physics from CBPF/UFRJ (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2006). His current research interests lie in the intersection of complex systems, machine learning and applied big data analysis.
Luis has been a research staff member at IBM Research (Brazil) until 2016. Prior to working at IBM, he was leader data scientist at BBVA (Madrid), where he developed big data solutions. He was also staff researcher at Telefónica Research (2008/2013, Madrid/Barcelona), applying research to several aspects telecommunication and social networks.
Luis has been Invited Research Visitor at the Santa Fe Institute (Santa Fe, NM, 2005/2006), where he extended his research in statistical mechanics of complex systems. He was postdoctoral fellow at the the Department of Mathematics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, (Madrid, Spain, 2007-2008) where he worked in cooperation in the context of evolutionary game theory, as well as research on financial statistical models. He is author of 28 research papers and 9 patents.
Beatriz Soria, PhD.

Beatriz es licenciada en Sociología y Doctora en Ciencias Sociales de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Desde hace más de siete años es docente de grado y posgrado de Metodología de las Ciencias Sociales en universidades públicas y privadas, así como también se desempeña como investigadora independiente sobre temas sociales vinculados a problemáticas del trabajo. Cuenta con una vasta experiencia en el diseño, coordinación de trabajo de campo, procesamiento y análisis de datos en los ámbitos públicos y privados. Ha desarrollado proyectos desde diversas estrategias de investigación: cuantitativas (encuestas, observatorios y observaciones: diseño, recolección, procesamiento y análisis de datos) y estrategias cualitativas (entrevistas, focus group, observaciones). En el ámbito público ha sido coordinadora del área de monitoreo y evaluación de programas sociales (SIEMPRO-SISFAM), también ha participado de operativos censales vinculados a áreas de población, educación y economía. También ha participado en el procesamiento de datos de organismos públicos relacionados a tecnología agropecuaria. En el ámbito privado ha colaborado en el asesoramiento y apoyo metodológico y estadístico de diversos profesionales relacionados con múltiples disciplinas (medicina, odontología, enfermería, turismo, entre otras)
Ezequiel Potaschner, Lic.

Es Licenciado en Sociología, Profesor de Metodología de la Investigación en la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo y Doctorando en Ciencias Sociales en la misma Universidad. Es experto en la elaboración, gestión y evaluación de proyectos sociales; en Estudios de impactos sociales; en el uso y aplicación de software de análisis de datos cualitativos y cuantitativos (Atlas.ti, Nvivo, SPSS), en dirección y asesoramiento de investigaciones académicas. Posee amplia experiencia en organización y gestión de trabajos de campo para el relevamientos de datos cuantitativos y cualitativos; y coordinación de equipos de trabajos.
Mag.a Isabel Prammer, BSc.

Isabel Prammer holds a BSc in Mathematics with focus on applied mathematics and statistics and a Master‘s Degree in Development Studies. During internships she gained some practical experience in non-profit sector doing research in the area of medical anthropology and Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. Currently she works as a Senior Data Manager for a Clinical Research Organization in Austria overseeing several clinical studies and has acquired broad knowledge in the field of data management and ensuring the quality and reliability of data. Isabel has particular expertise in design of electronic questionnaires, set-up of clinical databases and preparing reports for clinical trials. She is also experienced in medical coding of data for statistical analysis.
Camila Norte Reyes

Camila is our Institutional Relationship Manager at A-Consultants. She is a Certified Translator (English<>Spanish) with a vast experience translating texts of different types and styles and legal documents. With special expertise in International Relationship between institutions Camila is in charge of the communication between the company and international clients as well as with other institutions. Among other duties she writes reports, checks third parties reports, and translates documents of all kinds. She solves any problem related to the language so we guarantee a good communication and understanding between different parties of any project.
María Micaela Amorós, Lic.

Ha participado en diversos estudios sociales, realizando tanto trabajo de campo como de gabinete, y llevando a cabo distintos tipos de tareas: planificación, supervisión y realización de encuestas y entrevistas; desarrollo, revisión y testeo de cuestionarios y máscaras de entrada de datos, procesamiento y análisis de datos cuali y cuantitativos, y elaboración de informes. Cuenta además con buen manejo de software estadístico.
Por otro lado, cuenta con experiencia de participación en equipos interdiscipliarios abocados al diseño y desarrollo de herramientas web de consulta, visualización y análisis de datos estadísticos y de gestión.