Data Collection and Data Entry 2017-10-14T12:45:41+00:00

Data Collection & Data Entry

We work with expert partners that provides us the technology and the know-how for an optimal data collection process in the field.

We define together with our clients the data collection design and the techniques can range from traditional Paper Surveys to the most modern methods of Electronic Data Collection.

Thanks to our experts in computer technology, we have the capacity to both adapt to the use of existing systems and to develop our own tools tailored to the requirements of our customers.

If you have any particular question about these topics, do not hesitate to write us an email.

We develop a data entry mask that meets all restrictions and rules contained in the associated questionnaire.

After performing the development, and ensuring the quality of the data entry mask, we conduct several Data Entry Mask Tests, to detect possible failures before the real data entry process is performed.

Finally, once the Mask is developed an empty database structure can be generated to start with subsequent processes while the data collection is being performed.

For example, such Empty Dataset can be used to start the development of the Data Analysis Scripts for table results calculations (since you already have the name and values for all your variables), also the development of the Codebook can be started as well.

We offer to test a data entry mask developed by a third party.

We test whether the mask controls comply with all the rules and restrictions of the associated questionnaire.

The control points that have been poorly, incorrect or not implemented have to be fixed before the survey data is collected.

We identify the errors or flaws in the Mask and write a report for the developer so they can fix them. Once the developer fixes the errors, we perform a final revision to get the corrected version of the Mask.

When information is entered into computers or other types of data-recording systems, our data-entry clerks proofread information before recording it to reduce mistakes, misspellings and discrepancies.

The survey data is loaded at our data loading center by trained operators that manually enter the data through a Data Entry Mask developed specifically for the survey questionnaire.

If you have collected your data in traditional paper surveys and you can’t send them to our data loading center, we can find an alternative such as scanning and sending the digitalized data to our offices. This situation require a coordination to establish an organized information transfer process between the working teams.

Through the Raw Dataset we verify the survey data reliability that may have been uploaded by a third party. We check the quality of the uploaded data through two pass verification data entry quality control method.